This is a place for small businesses to come to get ideas on how to market their business on a budget. I will post low-cost and no-cost techniques along with the services that I offer to my clients at very reasonable rates.
Welcome Small Business Owners
You will find that I will be posting free methods to use for marketing your business. I will be posting low-cost methods to use for marketing your business, but I will not post methods that are outrageously priced. Because I feel most of the time you can accomplish your marketing goals without spending a lot of money.
I will also be telling you about the different services that I offer to my clients and all of which are at reasonable rates. My specialty is small business marketing and virtual assistance. I will talk about each of my services individually to give you an idea of what it is that I do for my customers/clients.
Friday, October 22, 2010
It's Follow Me Friday!
Everyone needs to check this out!
This is a fantastic way to learn about the blogging world and to make great connections with some great women and get some subscribers to your own blog......
Enjoy the search,
Attention All Ladies Who Love to Shop!
Our very own Debbie Wimsatt with Scentsy will be participating in the
Lexington Junior League HOLLY DAYS MARKET this year on November 11th-14th and is
personally i
nviting ALL Mommy Bags marketing Participants and Recipients to come out and shop
with her and
other vendors at this wonderful event!! The Holly Days Market will be located inside
the old Julia
R. Ewan School Building on Henry Clay Blvd. here in Lexington. Please come out and
support your fellow business women ladies.......and Debbie is so sweet, she is offering a very generous
10% discount to anyone who mentions Mommy Bags while shopping with her for Scentsy products.
And ladies, let me tell you this, if you are looking for the PERFECT Holiday Gift for that Hard to buy
for person on your list, well search NO MORE! Just stop in and See DEBBIE at the Holly Days
Market and she will be happy to point out the perfect warmer and scentsy bar to go with it!
And you can't beat the prices, here is my little tip to anyone shopping with Scentsy this year for the
Holidays: Check out the AWESOME Scentsy System offerings in the front of her catalog.....some of
them can be made into 2 separate gifts for 1 great price....especially with the extra 10% discount
Debbie is so generously offering!! A definite must do to put on your to do list!!!
Enjoy and let me know if you will be out there selling or shopping too!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Important Announcement Coming
I will be making a very special announcement via my monthly newsletter, which is very late going out this month I might add..........
it is very powerful and is going to change a lot of aspects of my business, for the better~
Friday, October 15, 2010
Follow me Friday for Facebook
1. Add your Facebook Link, when you add it, it will automatically appear on everyone’s page that posts this Linky so you do not need to add it more than once.
2. Click on the Top 3 and like/add them: The first one will be me, Shining2Save and every week I will pick 2 more randomly. Please also follow the two people above you if you would like so everyone will get at least a couple new followers. You can leave them a comment letting them know your following from the Friday Facebook Hop.
3. Add/Like as many people on Facebook as you like.
4. You do not have to make a post to join: but it is always a plus if you do so everyone else can see and join in on the fun.
Help spread the word and add this Linky to your blog! The more we spread it the more followers we will get!
Below the Linky box, you will see see “What is a blog Hop? Get the Code Here" Click on it and just copy and paste that code into your post and the same Linky will appear. Your blog visitors can add their Facebook URL to your list and it will show up on all lists!
Feel free to copy and paste these instructions or just post the button and link back to me.
Please only add your Facebook url.
Thank you and Have Fun Facebook Hopping!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Great Sweepstakes offer from Mommy Bag Paricipant
Five Gift Certificates will be awarded daily!
You could also win a $10,000 Room Makeover!
Courtesy of our Party Lite Consultant Susan Case..... Thanks Susan!
10/01/2010 - 11/30/2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
New Reps needed for the following companies...
I need reps for the following direct sales companies: (if you know someone , please direct them to me via email if you think they may be interested)
Tastefully Simple
Pampered Chef
Creative Memories
Clever Container
Initials Inc.
Usbourne Books
Close To My Heart
of course we are always looking for new businesses as please let your friends and family know about this fantastic opportunity to get some great exposure for their business for a very economical marketing rate!
Last 2 of the 4 ways to use Social Media in Promotions
Sometimes you don't necessarily have a large following of your own. This is obviously the case in brands that are just developing their online identity. They've signed up for the various social media services, but haven't really gotten a big splash together.
This is where research and legwork come in. Let's continue with the coffee shop analogy, since cafés seem to be a defining feature of the modern set. You could look up a group that tends to associate with cafés, such as writers. If you find a local writing group on Facebook for your area, consider posting a friendly message on their board, inviting them to come in for a weekly "writer's day" in which members of your newly-formed writing club get a discount.
Remember, of course, the key rules of social media: be polite and respectful. These are people you're talking to, people with their own agendas and desires, and they can sense insincerity like a shark smells blood in the water. Your offers must be interesting and credible.
#4 – Picture Perfect
Images are powerful things. A well-done image can excite the imagination and catch peoples' attention in a way that text sometimes fails to grasp. Consider sending images designed to give people an association with your brand.
Returning a final time to our café example, consider taking a picture of some fresh cinnamon rolls that just came out of the oven and quickly uploading them to your preferred social media service. This requires a bit of work to make sure the picture looks appetizing and appealing, but isn't too difficult. Post that picture up along with a message about how they come with a free cup of coffee between 10 a.m. and noon, and you just might have a rush on your hands.
Even if you don't have mouth-wateringly delicious pastries to offer, any brand benefits from visual associations. When you go to make a post in your blog or SMS, include a link to a relevant picture as often as you can. This will help people associate your brand with colorful thinking, with interesting things to look at, and the like. Text can appear awfully drab, so do what you can to brighten it up a bit.
About The Author
Enzo F. Cesario is an online branding specialist and co-founder of Brandsplat, a digital content agency. Brandsplat creates blogs, articles, videos and social media in the "voice" of our client's brand. It makes sites more findable and brands more recognizable. For the free Brandcasting Report go to or visit our blog at
Four ways to use Social Media in Promotions
A flash mob is an impromptu gathering of people arranged by SMS. Originally popular on message boards, the advent of texting and SMS powerhouses like Twitter has made flash mobs even easier to arrange. In the simplest terms, the originator of the mob sends a message to his audience, arranging a time, place and theme for a quick meeting and/or performance. Famous mobs have included zombie walks, unannounced pillow fights at major business centers, and other assorted fun events.
As an example of using a flash mob for a brand, consider the following scenario: You own a café with a respectable Twitter following. You tweet out a time and place - say 2 p.m. in the park - and a short promotion code like ParkFrap. When everyone arrives, you're waiting with a selection of your newest frappe drinks, and everyone who can give you a copy of the code gets a drink and a coupon for the next time they drop by the café.
This kind of arrangement takes a bit of preparation, of course, but the idea creates instant buzz, sticks out in people's minds and can be an enjoyable time for everyone.
#2 – Couponing
People like to save money, and businesses like to make it. If your brand is tied into a business that offers products, you've probably already considered how to go about offering coupons to people. Social media offers many avenues of getting coupons out to people. Again, Twitter is an excellent tool here; in fact, there are several sites out there that are tailored to helping use Twitter for couponing. For example, allows you to combine a short tweet and an image into a coupon for your customers.
However, Facebook is also a good tool for distributing coupons. If your brand has a Facebook group associated with it - and if it doesn't, why not? - you can leverage the service as both a coupon and a promotional tool. For example, post a message with a new coupon that's only valid if a follower brings a friend along. In this one step, you get two people into the store, sell some product and have a chance to sign up a new follower on Facebook.
Next 2 Ways to follow in the next post!
Great Networking Advice for Businesses
We've all heard the best way to increase our network marketing, direct sales, or home party plan business is to talk to 5 new people each and every day. This is great advice, but mainly on the surface.
This advice doesn't allow or take into account how this makes us feel.
Remember, how we feel is our starting point for everything we do.
When we're actually trying to fit those 5 new contacts into a schedule which is already full with caring for our kids, tending to our partners, acting as chauffeur, pet care provider, house cleaner, chief cook and designated dish washer, volunteer superstar, and still managing a full-time job outside of the home . . .
Please!!. . . Help me find a shortcut!
Another thing, if we've stuck with the 5-contacts-a-day idea long enough, we're likely to catch ourselves shoving a business card into a fellow volunteer's hand and thinking . . . great, one down. And this is on a good day! On a bad day, our goal of five contacts per day becomes so overwhelming we either vow we'll start tomorrow. . . or we end up talking to no one.
Again, 5-contacts-a-day makes sense, but only on the surface. In practice, literally making five new relationships every single day can't normally be sustained by the average home party plan network marketer. When we try to implement and maintain this strategy, it becomes burdensome. We start to feel stressed and also feel like we don't have what it takes to be successful in direct sales and home party plan. It probably goes without saying feelings like these are counter productive to building a successful business.
So we'd like to suggest a shortcut, or a more sensible alternative to the common advice of . . . talking to five new people each day.
At The Mind Aware, we know lasting success comes only from methods which are easy to implement, easy to maintain, and leave us stress free and relaxed, confident, feeling good, and feeling like we're making progress with our home businesses.
. . . so instead of making 5 new relationships each day our objective, let's simplify our goal and make one meaningful connection each day.
Ideally this would be great if each new meaningful connection would be someone we meet throughout our day, but this connection can also come from a former home party host, a special customer, or a potential team member. It can be in person or on the phone. It's the age old debate . . . quality vs. quantity.
Quality, meaningful connections always pay off longer term. When our awareness or focal point is geared toward making quality connections, we'll see results much faster than if we'd stuck with old school thinking or the "throw enough stuff against the wall" method.
In the process of simplifying things, we're going to eliminate a whole lot of extra calling and, more importantly, save ourselves valuable time.
So what, then, constitutes a meaningful, quality connection? Obviously the answer here is very subjective and will vary from person-to-person, but here are some guidelines:
* We feel "present" when we're speaking. We don't feel rushed. We're taking time to really listen to the other person.
* Our primary goal in the discussion is to connect with the other person on some level. We're always aware that we're developing a relationship, rather than trying to sell someone something.
* That being said, we're still conscious that in order for it to become a truly meaningful connection for us . . . it must lead to real business. Talking to the person about their daughter's wedding may build the connection but making sure the conversation always leads to discussions about our home party businesses and ideally how our businesses could benefit their lives . . . makes the connection meaningful.
* Building our businesses means new business. Talking to a former party host may count because she may book another party or introduce us to new party hosts. But talking to current team members doesn't count because while it may be meaningful, it likely doesn't lead to new business.
Remember, we're only trying to have one meaningful conversations each day. How simple, right?
Also, when our main focal point is connection, other people will take notice of us. Most people notice when a person has genuine interest in them and they will be more apt to listen to us when we talk about how our business will impact their lives if we're sincerely interested in making a quality connection.
Making our follow up calls with customers, hostesses, and potential team members becomes easier because all we're looking for is one meaningful connection. We're not trying to call 50 people a night. We're not setting a time frame. We're just saying to ourselves that we're calling only to make this one meaningful connection with a person who will help to build our businesses.
Imagine how the face of our network marketing home party plan businesses would change if our primary goal was to have one, just one, meaningful conversation every single day?
Think about it . . . at the end of the year, if we've we have 365 of these meaningful conversations under our belt . . . we've built 365 relationships with 365 people who will become passionate about our businesses.
Believe me, if we can do just that one thing . . . one meaningful connection a day . . . our businesses will . . . BOOM!
Our goal of one meaningful conversation per day lessens our load and saves us a lot of time in the process. Saving time is crucial to getting our businesses financially thriving. And finding a shortcut to operating or running a network marketing home party plan business . . . makes us feel good.
And we all know feeling good is the quickest path to a successful business.
"Dana Wilde is founder of The Mind Aware, at The Mind Aware is dedica"ted to helping network marketers, direct sales people, and party plan entrepreneurs attain success in their businesses quickly, simply, and to have fun doing it."
Hope you enjoyes this quick and powerful tip,