Welcome Small Business Owners

I have designed this blog with the small business owner in mind. I know that we all have budgets to work within and I want to help each and every business out there (who wants my help) to find a way to market their business effectively , efficiently, and inexpensively!

You will find that I will be posting free methods to use for marketing your business. I will be posting low-cost methods to use for marketing your business, but I will not post methods that are outrageously priced. Because I feel most of the time you can accomplish your marketing goals without spending a lot of money.

I will also be telling you about the different services that I offer to my clients and all of which are at reasonable rates. My specialty is small business marketing and virtual assistance. I will talk about each of my services individually to give you an idea of what it is that I do for my customers/clients.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Four ways to use Social Media in Promotions

#1 – Flash Mob

A flash mob is an impromptu gathering of people arranged by SMS. Originally popular on message boards, the advent of texting and SMS powerhouses like Twitter has made flash mobs even easier to arrange. In the simplest terms, the originator of the mob sends a message to his audience, arranging a time, place and theme for a quick meeting and/or performance. Famous mobs have included zombie walks, unannounced pillow fights at major business centers, and other assorted fun events.

As an example of using a flash mob for a brand, consider the following scenario: You own a café with a respectable Twitter following. You tweet out a time and place - say 2 p.m. in the park - and a short promotion code like ParkFrap. When everyone arrives, you're waiting with a selection of your newest frappe drinks, and everyone who can give you a copy of the code gets a drink and a coupon for the next time they drop by the café.

This kind of arrangement takes a bit of preparation, of course, but the idea creates instant buzz, sticks out in people's minds and can be an enjoyable time for everyone.

#2 – Couponing

People like to save money, and businesses like to make it. If your brand is tied into a business that offers products, you've probably already considered how to go about offering coupons to people. Social media offers many avenues of getting coupons out to people. Again, Twitter is an excellent tool here; in fact, there are several sites out there that are tailored to helping use Twitter for couponing. For example, http://twtqpon.com allows you to combine a short tweet and an image into a coupon for your customers.

However, Facebook is also a good tool for distributing coupons. If your brand has a Facebook group associated with it - and if it doesn't, why not? - you can leverage the service as both a coupon and a promotional tool. For example, post a message with a new coupon that's only valid if a follower brings a friend along. In this one step, you get two people into the store, sell some product and have a chance to sign up a new follower on Facebook.

Next 2 Ways to follow in the next post!

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