Welcome Small Business Owners

I have designed this blog with the small business owner in mind. I know that we all have budgets to work within and I want to help each and every business out there (who wants my help) to find a way to market their business effectively , efficiently, and inexpensively!

You will find that I will be posting free methods to use for marketing your business. I will be posting low-cost methods to use for marketing your business, but I will not post methods that are outrageously priced. Because I feel most of the time you can accomplish your marketing goals without spending a lot of money.

I will also be telling you about the different services that I offer to my clients and all of which are at reasonable rates. My specialty is small business marketing and virtual assistance. I will talk about each of my services individually to give you an idea of what it is that I do for my customers/clients.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mention in fellow bloggers Blog!

Check out Lori Wells Photography -

She had some really nice things to say and I wanted to share the post with everyone....

click on this link:

Also if you want to check out her blog you can visit:

She is definitely a talented lady and would be the one I would reccommend if anyone needed some photos taken ...


Prospecting a problem area for you?

Here is a link to Free resources on how to become a better prospector in business.....this is an invaluable tool to success. Enjoy!

Become A Fearless Prospector! 3 Free Training Cd's Show You How!

Let me know what you think about the downloads after you have listened to them.

Pretty powerful information,

Friday, December 3, 2010

Discounts on Web Hosting

Check out what Go Daddy has to offer on it's web hosting packages!

It really is the best and most economical place to host your business website!

Click on the banner below:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Great Idea for Holiday Gifts

Time Monday, November 8 at 12:00pm - November 26 at 9:00am


Location Call or email me with your orders!


Created By Angela Jones




Searching for the perfect holiday gift? Look no further! Our easy-to-prepare batter bowl mixes make delicious homemade gifts for everyone on your list. They’re creative, affordable, and personal — everything a gift should be. Holiday gift-giving can’t get any easier! It’s the gift that keeps giving long after Christmas is over! Our Small Batter Bowls are made from heavy-duty glass; oven-safe to 350°, microwave- and dishwasher-safe. They are perfect for mixing, storing, and baking. They include standard and metric measure marks, spout, handle, and plastic lid!

Your gift bowl includes all dry ingredients needed for the recipe, a copy of the recipe, and a handmade gift tag plus a ribbon with a tool to compliment the Batter Bowl.

For $7.00 more: the Batter Bowl Brownie Mix includes a Classic Scraper, the Harvest Pumpkin Bread Mix includes a Stainless Whisk, the Celebration Cookie Mix includes a Medium Scoop, and the Cowboy Chili Mix includes the Ladle.

Contact me today to place your order in time for the Holidays!

***BONUS: Buy 5 and get your 6th one at Half-price!***

Your Independent Pampered Chef® Consultant

Angela Jones

(859) 200-5407



Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Follow Me Friday!

Let's Just Give It Away

Everyone needs to check this out!
This is a fantastic way to learn about the blogging world and to make great connections with some great women and get some subscribers to your own blog......

Enjoy the search,

Attention All Ladies Who Love to Shop!

Our very own Debbie Wimsatt with Scentsy www.horsescents.scentsy.us will be participating in the
Lexington Junior League HOLLY DAYS MARKET this year on November 11th-14th and is
personally inviting ALL Mommy Bags marketing Participants and Recipients to come out and shop
with her and other vendors at this wonderful event!!     The Holly Days Market will be located inside
the old Julia R. Ewan School Building on Henry Clay Blvd. here in Lexington.  Please come out and
support your fellow business women ladies.......and Debbie is so sweet, she is offering a very generous
10% discount to anyone who mentions Mommy Bags while shopping with her for Scentsy products.
And ladies, let me tell you this, if you are looking for the PERFECT Holiday Gift for that Hard to buy
for person on your list, well search NO MORE!   Just stop in and See DEBBIE at the Holly Days
Market and she will be happy to point out the perfect warmer and scentsy bar to go with it!
And you can't beat the prices, here is my little tip to anyone shopping with Scentsy this year for the
Holidays:  Check out the AWESOME Scentsy System offerings in the front of her catalog.....some of
them can be made into 2 separate gifts for 1 great price....especially with the extra 10% discount
Debbie is so generously offering!!  A definite must do to put on your to do list!!!
Enjoy and let me know if you will be out there selling or shopping too!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Important Announcement Coming

Get ready Lynn Marketing Concepts Clients and Customers!

I will be making a very special announcement via my monthly newsletter, which is very late going out this month I might add..........

it is very powerful and is going to change a lot of aspects of my business, for the better~

More on this soon!


Friday, October 15, 2010

Follow me Friday for Facebook

Would you like to have more Facebook Followers and be able to find new blogs or businesses? If so come and Join me Every Friday For "Facebook Follow Friday!"

1. Add your Facebook Link, when you add it, it will automatically appear on everyone’s page that posts this Linky so you do not need to add it more than once.

2. Click on the Top 3 and like/add them: The first one will be me, Shining2Save and every week I will pick 2 more randomly. Please also follow the two people above you if you would like so everyone will get at least a couple new followers. You can leave them a comment letting them know your following from the Friday Facebook Hop.

3. Add/Like as many people on Facebook as you like.

4. You do not have to make a post to join: but it is always a plus if you do so everyone else can see and join in on the fun.

Help spread the word and add this Linky to your blog! The more we spread it the more followers we will get!

Below the Linky box, you will see see “What is a blog Hop? Get the Code Here" Click on it and just copy and paste that code into your post and the same Linky will appear. Your blog visitors can add their Facebook URL to your list and it will show up on all lists!

Feel free to copy and paste these instructions or just post the button and link back to me.

Please only add your Facebook url.

Thank you and Have Fun Facebook Hopping!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Great Sweepstakes offer from Mommy Bag Paricipant

You can Play Every Day for your chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate!

Five Gift Certificates will be awarded daily!

You could also win a $10,000 Room Makeover!
Courtesy of our Party Lite Consultant Susan Case..... Thanks Susan!


10/01/2010 - 11/30/2010



Monday, October 11, 2010

New Reps needed for the following companies...

I am currently seeking new consultants to fill some vacancies for November and December to round out the year and end it with a BIG BANG!

I need reps for the following direct sales companies: (if you know someone , please direct them to me via email if you think they may be interested)

Tastefully Simple
Pampered Chef
Creative Memories
Clever Container
Initials Inc.
Usbourne Books
Close To My Heart
of course we are always looking for new businesses as well.....so please let your friends and family know about this fantastic opportunity to get some great exposure for their business for a very economical marketing rate!



Last 2 of the 4 ways to use Social Media in Promotions

#3 – Cross Promote

Sometimes you don't necessarily have a large following of your own. This is obviously the case in brands that are just developing their online identity. They've signed up for the various social media services, but haven't really gotten a big splash together.

This is where research and legwork come in. Let's continue with the coffee shop analogy, since cafés seem to be a defining feature of the modern set. You could look up a group that tends to associate with cafés, such as writers. If you find a local writing group on Facebook for your area, consider posting a friendly message on their board, inviting them to come in for a weekly "writer's day" in which members of your newly-formed writing club get a discount.

Remember, of course, the key rules of social media: be polite and respectful. These are people you're talking to, people with their own agendas and desires, and they can sense insincerity like a shark smells blood in the water. Your offers must be interesting and credible.

#4 – Picture Perfect

Images are powerful things. A well-done image can excite the imagination and catch peoples' attention in a way that text sometimes fails to grasp. Consider sending images designed to give people an association with your brand.

Returning a final time to our café example, consider taking a picture of some fresh cinnamon rolls that just came out of the oven and quickly uploading them to your preferred social media service. This requires a bit of work to make sure the picture looks appetizing and appealing, but isn't too difficult. Post that picture up along with a message about how they come with a free cup of coffee between 10 a.m. and noon, and you just might have a rush on your hands.

Even if you don't have mouth-wateringly delicious pastries to offer, any brand benefits from visual associations. When you go to make a post in your blog or SMS, include a link to a relevant picture as often as you can. This will help people associate your brand with colorful thinking, with interesting things to look at, and the like. Text can appear awfully drab, so do what you can to brighten it up a bit.
About The Author

Enzo F. Cesario is an online branding specialist and co-founder of Brandsplat, a digital content agency. Brandsplat creates blogs, articles, videos and social media in the "voice" of our client's brand. It makes sites more findable and brands more recognizable. For the free Brandcasting Report go to www.BrandSplat.com or visit our blog at www.iBrandCasting.com

Four ways to use Social Media in Promotions

#1 – Flash Mob

A flash mob is an impromptu gathering of people arranged by SMS. Originally popular on message boards, the advent of texting and SMS powerhouses like Twitter has made flash mobs even easier to arrange. In the simplest terms, the originator of the mob sends a message to his audience, arranging a time, place and theme for a quick meeting and/or performance. Famous mobs have included zombie walks, unannounced pillow fights at major business centers, and other assorted fun events.

As an example of using a flash mob for a brand, consider the following scenario: You own a café with a respectable Twitter following. You tweet out a time and place - say 2 p.m. in the park - and a short promotion code like ParkFrap. When everyone arrives, you're waiting with a selection of your newest frappe drinks, and everyone who can give you a copy of the code gets a drink and a coupon for the next time they drop by the café.

This kind of arrangement takes a bit of preparation, of course, but the idea creates instant buzz, sticks out in people's minds and can be an enjoyable time for everyone.

#2 – Couponing

People like to save money, and businesses like to make it. If your brand is tied into a business that offers products, you've probably already considered how to go about offering coupons to people. Social media offers many avenues of getting coupons out to people. Again, Twitter is an excellent tool here; in fact, there are several sites out there that are tailored to helping use Twitter for couponing. For example, http://twtqpon.com allows you to combine a short tweet and an image into a coupon for your customers.

However, Facebook is also a good tool for distributing coupons. If your brand has a Facebook group associated with it - and if it doesn't, why not? - you can leverage the service as both a coupon and a promotional tool. For example, post a message with a new coupon that's only valid if a follower brings a friend along. In this one step, you get two people into the store, sell some product and have a chance to sign up a new follower on Facebook.

Next 2 Ways to follow in the next post!

Great Networking Advice for Businesses

Warning - This is a long post but really worth reading....

We've all heard the best way to increase our network marketing, direct sales, or home party plan business is to talk to 5 new people each and every day. This is great advice, but mainly on the surface.

This advice doesn't allow or take into account how this makes us feel.

Remember, how we feel is our starting point for everything we do.

When we're actually trying to fit those 5 new contacts into a schedule which is already full with caring for our kids, tending to our partners, acting as chauffeur, pet care provider, house cleaner, chief cook and designated dish washer, volunteer superstar, and still managing a full-time job outside of the home . . .

Please!!. . . Help me find a shortcut!

Another thing, if we've stuck with the 5-contacts-a-day idea long enough, we're likely to catch ourselves shoving a business card into a fellow volunteer's hand and thinking . . . great, one down. And this is on a good day! On a bad day, our goal of five contacts per day becomes so overwhelming we either vow we'll start tomorrow. . . or we end up talking to no one.

Again, 5-contacts-a-day makes sense, but only on the surface. In practice, literally making five new relationships every single day can't normally be sustained by the average home party plan network marketer. When we try to implement and maintain this strategy, it becomes burdensome. We start to feel stressed and also feel like we don't have what it takes to be successful in direct sales and home party plan. It probably goes without saying feelings like these are counter productive to building a successful business.

So we'd like to suggest a shortcut, or a more sensible alternative to the common advice of . . . talking to five new people each day.

At The Mind Aware, we know lasting success comes only from methods which are easy to implement, easy to maintain, and leave us stress free and relaxed, confident, feeling good, and feeling like we're making progress with our home businesses.

. . . so instead of making 5 new relationships each day our objective, let's simplify our goal and make one meaningful connection each day.

Ideally this would be great if each new meaningful connection would be someone we meet throughout our day, but this connection can also come from a former home party host, a special customer, or a potential team member. It can be in person or on the phone. It's the age old debate . . . quality vs. quantity.

Quality, meaningful connections always pay off longer term. When our awareness or focal point is geared toward making quality connections, we'll see results much faster than if we'd stuck with old school thinking or the "throw enough stuff against the wall" method.

In the process of simplifying things, we're going to eliminate a whole lot of extra calling and, more importantly, save ourselves valuable time.

So what, then, constitutes a meaningful, quality connection? Obviously the answer here is very subjective and will vary from person-to-person, but here are some guidelines:

* We feel "present" when we're speaking. We don't feel rushed. We're taking time to really listen to the other person.

* Our primary goal in the discussion is to connect with the other person on some level. We're always aware that we're developing a relationship, rather than trying to sell someone something.

* That being said, we're still conscious that in order for it to become a truly meaningful connection for us . . . it must lead to real business. Talking to the person about their daughter's wedding may build the connection but making sure the conversation always leads to discussions about our home party businesses and ideally how our businesses could benefit their lives . . . makes the connection meaningful.

* Building our businesses means new business. Talking to a former party host may count because she may book another party or introduce us to new party hosts. But talking to current team members doesn't count because while it may be meaningful, it likely doesn't lead to new business.

Remember, we're only trying to have one meaningful conversations each day. How simple, right?

Also, when our main focal point is connection, other people will take notice of us. Most people notice when a person has genuine interest in them and they will be more apt to listen to us when we talk about how our business will impact their lives if we're sincerely interested in making a quality connection.

Making our follow up calls with customers, hostesses, and potential team members becomes easier because all we're looking for is one meaningful connection. We're not trying to call 50 people a night. We're not setting a time frame. We're just saying to ourselves that we're calling only to make this one meaningful connection with a person who will help to build our businesses.

Imagine how the face of our network marketing home party plan businesses would change if our primary goal was to have one, just one, meaningful conversation every single day?

Think about it . . . at the end of the year, if we've we have 365 of these meaningful conversations under our belt . . . we've built 365 relationships with 365 people who will become passionate about our businesses.

Believe me, if we can do just that one thing . . . one meaningful connection a day . . . our businesses will . . . BOOM!

Our goal of one meaningful conversation per day lessens our load and saves us a lot of time in the process. Saving time is crucial to getting our businesses financially thriving. And finding a shortcut to operating or running a network marketing home party plan business . . . makes us feel good.

And we all know feeling good is the quickest path to a successful business.

"Dana Wilde is founder of The Mind Aware, at http://www.themindaware.com. The Mind Aware is dedica"ted to helping network marketers, direct sales people, and party plan entrepreneurs attain success in their businesses quickly, simply, and to have fun doing it."

Hope you enjoyes this quick and powerful tip,


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wonderful Resource for Marketing Small Businesses

You can get a Virtual Bag of Goodies from some wonderful marketing Gurus!

Follow this link for over $100 worth of FREE Virtual Goodies to use in your Marketing and Business Efforts!

FREE Virtual Goodie Bag


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Exciting Announcement!

Due to the fact that I have had such a productive and wonderful September with my new Virtual Assistant Service that I have added to Lynn Marketing Concepts, I would like to announce the following:

I am offering 2 very special deals for the month of October for NEW Businesses who wish to take advantage of these offers:

1.)  20% off the total cost of a Retainer Package of Virtual Services from Lynn Marketing Concepts
(Our monthly retainer packages start as low as $225 REG. but for October will be only $168 !) This is a huge bargain and will only be offered until October 1st or until I reach my limit for new clients !  So be sure and contact me now to discuss your Virtual Assistance needs before this special is over, and before my calender gets too full!  I have a feeling this won't last long!)

2.) Purchase 3 Hours of Virtual Assistance and Receive 1 Free Hour to use that same month or "bank" for the next month! 
(This offer is good for up to 5 FREE Hours, by purchasing a block of 15 Hours of Virtual Assistance.)

**Virtual Assistance Monthly Retainer Packages DO NOT Roll Over Into The Next Month, So Be Sure to Only Purchase the Package you are comfortable with and sure that you will USE during that particular month of purchase!**

** The Buy 3 Hours Get 1 Hour Free offer is an offer where you CAN roll ONLY your FREE Hours to the following month.  You MUST USE the Purchased Hours within the month you bought them, but the FREE hours you accumulate CAN be used in the following month!  (Until you get a feel for just how much assistance you need, I always suggest buying blocks of time instead of the monthly retainer packages.  Once you KNOW how much of an ASSET a Virtual Assistant can be, and just what we can do for you as a business owner and for your company, you will definitely want to take advantage of the Monthly Retainer Packages available.  These packages are set up to save our clients money!  It is what keeps them coming back!!)

Please feel free to pass, email, or blog this offer to your friends, business associates, family members or anyone you know who might find this useful and/or helpful.  I do love referrals and reward them too!
I have a great referral program set up through Lynn Marketing Concepts right now, if you would like more information on this or any services mentioned , please email me at lynnmarketingconcepts@gmail.com

Happy Marketing,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Brand New Company You Should Check Out!

I stumbled upon this new company owned by Sarah Waller call Sweet Libertine Cosmetics!  This is all natural Mineral Cosmetics that SHE makes herself, with the help of some friends, I am sure!

Here is her website:  http://www.sweetlibertine.com/    Visit the site and take a look at the beautiful cosmetics she has to offer......you can also get a FREE Sample of this wonderful product.  (Free Sample of her eyeshadow)
All you have to do is send a self-addressed stamped business size (#10) envelope to her at the following address:
Sweet Libertine Cosmetics

2621 Ashland Ave. Suite 2

Cincinnati Ohio 45206
And very soon you will receive 2 very generous samples of eyeshadows, colors are chosen at random but are picked from their most popular colors available!
I just received mine and they are GORGEOUS!!!! 
You can even request samples for friends and family too!  Just send the envelopes with their name and address instead of yours!  What a cute little gift you can have sent to your friend or family member for the cost of 2 stamps (88 cents)!
One more item, here is a code to receive 15% off your first order at Sweet Libertine!
Just type that code in at check out and automatically receive 15% off your entire order!

Little Reminder

This is just a little reminder for all you candle lovers out there!

Don't forget the Open House that Debbie Wimsatt will be hosting on September 30th, that is next Thursday!

And the time on this event is from 6pm-9pm, you can just stop by and see all the beautiful and lovely smelling offerings from Scentsy......If you want a sneak peak, check out Debbie's Website at http://www.horsescents.scentsy.com/ This company has some really fantastic new products in their line up, please check it out!

I love the Scentsy Buddies....these would make excellent holiday gifts for the children on your shopping list!

And so affordable, you can buy one for all the kids in your life!

I will be there to support Debbie and her business and I hope to see you there!


Nasal Aspirator, baby safety - Little Urbanites

Nasal Aspirator, baby safety - Little Urbanites

This is one of the "coolest" baby products I have seen in a while.....my how things have changed since my daughter was born 11 years ago....all I had was one of those cheapy manual "sucker" bulbs, this would have been so handy!

I just had to share this new find with you all, I normally don't do this type of sharing but I couldn't resist since I find that gadgets and baby items have changed so much since my daughter was born. It just seems like there are so many more items that are useful and would make having and caring for a baby easier these days as opposed to 10 years ago.

The world changes so fast!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wanted to Share a New Website!

I came upon a new website and wanted to share it with everyone, I think I started to send out a few invitations and then thought I would just post it here instead:

Here is a brief overview.....

What Is Listia?

Listia is a new kind of auction site where you bid on other people's stuff using credits instead of real money. We make it easy for users to get rid of stuff they don't need anymore and find stuff they want for free. Listia is a marketplace where people enjoy giving and getting items for free.

Every user gets 100 free credits after signing up and listing an item. The more popular your listing is, the more credits your auction will go for. You bid credits for things you want. So each thing goes to the person who wants it most! Getting more credits is easy, fun and most importantly, costs nothing!

Sign up Now with Listia
Let me know if you like it!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Exciting Invitation for all you Candle Lovers!

One of my Participants in Mommy Bags Marketing is having her Fall Open House for Scentsy on Thursday September 30th and gave me permission to post this and invite you all to come!

Here is the link to the invitation via Smilebox: 


Believe me, this is one Open House you don't want to miss!  These products are fantastic, and if you want a sneek peek at what Scentsy is all about here is her Website:


Check out all the fabulous new products they have to offer,


Good Afternoon Business Owners

All of our September Mommy Bags have been distributed for this month......so if you were wanting to get your hands on some of them for your women's or mommy group for October, please email me quickly as they are going fast!  I think I may have around 75-80 left to go around for the Month of October!

These Bags are absolutely great to give out at your meetings, parties, playgroups, church functions, ladies/girls night out functions, and even at your office!  How nice would it be to come to work one day with a goodie bag for every lady that you work with?  Talk about some major "brownie points" with your co-workers......lol

Anyway, if you would like a few of these  bags for your friends, co-workers, or associates email me at jlynn.mommybags@gmail.com and we will put you on the list for our October Bags!!!


Monday, August 23, 2010

A new way to promote for Business for Free

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen of small business,
I have come upon a great resource I think you will love!  This is a way in which you can promote your business for FREE and actually build a revenue generating page too.  Just click on the banner below to learn all about APSense....

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New program I am trying out!

I review for BookSneeze

This program will let you receive a free book to read and the catch is that you have to review it on your blog.  Seems easy enough but I will let you know how I like it as soon as I do my first "assignment"....I do enjoy readying and getting books for free without having to go to the library and risk having to wait on one you really want , well just makes it all the better.....


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Contributor to Mommy Bags

I would like to welcome Boresha to Mommy Bags this month. How would you like to Drink Coffee, Burn

Fat, AND Make Money the entire time? Well if this sounds like something of interest to you, I invite you to

take a good look at what Boresha has to offer you:


I am headed there right now myself....I love coffee and I would like to lose some weight, and I think everyone enjoys making money ,


Sunday, August 8, 2010

10 Reasons to Re-think your Customer Feedback Program

While most organizations gather some sort of feedback on a regular basis, the challenge lies in deriving meaningful insights from that feedback and taking action in a way that actually impacts customer loyalty.

Top 10 warning signs that you might need a more robust system to power your Voice of the Customer program:

10. Your first clue that a customer isn't as loyal as you thought they were: they just appeared on your competitor's website as a new success story.

9. You make all of your product feature decisions based on what salespeople tell you.

8. Your competitors know more about your customers than you do.

7. Your management reports say your overall customer satisfaction rating is a "10" – but you have only half as many customers as you did last year.

6. By the time you forward a key customer's feedback about an issue to the person within your company who can actually fix the problem, you've lost the account.

5. Your marketing department hasn't produced a new case study since the turn of the millennium.

4. You've heard rumors of a customer satisfaction program in your organization, but have never seen any customer satisfaction reports.

3. You've seen customer satisfaction reports all right, and they are currently being used as a doorstop.

2. You have a customer feedback program, but it takes weeks to create or modify and deploy a single survey.

And the number ONE reason you should re-think your customer feedback solution:

1. You've been running a feedback program for years but your satisfaction scores haven't gone up.
These tips are from www.markettools.com/blog
Hope these are helpful to you and your business,

Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Services Offered through Lynn Marketing Concepts

Brand new service offered to my clients :
This service involves Organization for the Home and the Office!!  And how some of us need to get Organized, I am sure some people need more help than others and that is exactly what I am here for.
My mission for September and October will be to take on some new clients who desperately need my Organizing Services.

Quick Run Down of some of the Organizing Services Offered (at very reasonable rates):
Group Classes Offered - will teach techniques to organizing your closets, organizing your kitchen pantry, organizing your children's room/rooms, General Office Organization, Very specific Desk Organizing Class, and a few others are also available.  For a full list of group classes and dates/times they are being taught, email me at LynnMarketingConcepts@gmail.com    ( You can also gather a group of your friends, business associates, and/or Mommy Group)  Class size:  Minimum of 6 people / Maximum of 12 people  per class

Private Clutter Cutter Program- This is a 30 or 60 minute Consultation offered in your home or office on general organizing tips and techniques very specific to your individual needs.  This program also includes a detailed list of suggestions on how to conquer your organizing problems with specific suggestions on products to use in order to keep your home or office neat and organized on a daily basis.

Group Session at Your Home filled with Product Demonstrations-  This service is all about the newest and best products available to help you in your journey to becoming the most organized home on your block!  Exactly like those "other" home party gatherings you have hosted for other company's product demonstrations.  There is a fabulous incentive to be the host for one of these in-home demonstrations- FREE ORGANIZING PRODUCTS for the host/hostess to keep for organizing their own homes.  The incentive program is based on your overall retail sales of products to your guests, and this plan is a very generous one.  And for this reason alone, I do not put a maximum on the number of guests who can attend the Demonstration....however it is a good idea to have at least 12 people there to ensure you reach your free products goal!  For specifics and/or to go on and book your in-home demonstration, email me as soon as possible!  I have a limited number of these special demonstrations left, they are being booked rather quickly, so hurry in order to get the date you want!!

Interested In Making Extra Money?-  Email me at LynnMarketingConcepts@gmail.com to discuss how you can be trained to lead these demonstrations for others and make some extra money to supplement your income or just create a new revenue stream for your family. 

Remember that the holidays are coming up soon and we all need to be Organized and Ready for them when they get here....makes things go so much more smoothly when you are organized!!

Here's to being Organized,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's Follow Me Back Tuesday

Follow Me Back Tuesday is hosted by Survey Junkie, Little Yaya's, Review Retreat and Boobies, Babies & A Blog.

Each week we will choose a random number every week from the blogs linked and add the random blog to the #5 spot to link to the following week ...

This weeks guest host for the #5 spot is Shanna from Mommy Of One...And Counting.


How it Works

1.Follow the 5 hosts, #1 – 5, ( leave us a comment & we will follow you back- only leave a comment if you follow please ).

2.Create a blog post about FMBT (you may copy this post if you wish).

3.Follow as many blogs as you would like ( Leave a comment so they can follow you back).

4.When you receive a comment from a new follower return the favor & follow them back.

***Please link directly to your Follow Me Back Tuesday Post. Links that lead directly to your personal blog hop will not be accepted and will be deleted.***

( Check back every Tuesday at 12:00 am est to link up at any of the 4 host blogs )

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wonderful Free Business Marketing Tool

Just wanted to mention a great new tool I just found and implemented on my own blogs and wanted to suggest you look into using it for your websites and blogs (if you have a blog!).

This is actually very neat! It is a Search Engine Submission Tool that does all the work for you and believe it or not, it is completely FREE! What a deal, right?

Here are the quick details: This site will submit your website/blog to 145 search engines for you automatically after you fill out a few short details about yourself and your site. It does take a little while for it to upload to all the search engines and it will tell you that it may take 6-8 weeks for your ad to actually appear but hey it's FREE, so who cares!!!

The site even provides Free Web Statistics, provides tools to optimize your website, and best of all just might increase traffic to your website. The time it takes to fill out the short form online is about 6 minutes and then it may take up to 10 minutes for the site to upload your site to all search engines, but it gives you the details on which submissions were successful and which ones failed.

I already did 2 of my blogs in the time it took me to type this blog post.....try it , it certainly can't hurt !!!!

Here is the link to the site again:

Free Automated Search Engine Submission Tool

Let me know if you use it and your results!


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Looking for a way to earn a few extra dollars?

If you are looking for a simple way to earn a little extra money, try this it is legitimate and it works....I have been doing it for about 3 months now! You Will NOT get rich from this but you may be able to earn enough to pay for your gas for the month and all you have to do is read emails and click on the link to get credit for it!

That's it, nothing more. There is not an obligation to buy anything, no sign up fees, no output of money of any kind! In fact they are offering you a $5 sign up bonus. Free $5 just to sign up to read emails. It doesn't get much better than that!

Here is the banner to click on to sign up and to receive the $5 bonus!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Different,Unsual,and Confusing Advice! But so TRUE! Try it and see how great this technique works for you!

This is an article written by Landy Chase, whose information will be posted underneath this post!  Please take the time to read the entire Article because it truely is great advice and if you think about it, it really does make a whole lot of sense!!

Over the last twenty-five years I have heard more than my share of bad ideas when it comes to effective selling.

Here is the worst one that I have ever come across:
“Don’t be an unpaid consultant”.

I was recently reminded of this when I was asked to participate in a phone conference involving one of my clients. The company had a number of their senior executives together for a meeting, and they asked me if I would be willing to join their group for a teleconference during my lunch hour.

Here’s the “catch”, if you prefer to think of it that way: there was no offer of payment for my time; this was “free work” in the form of giving advice. Yes, I was being asked to be the Unpaid Consultant. And, as always, I welcomed the opportunity.

You see, I strongly disagree with the idea that you should avoid being an “unpaid consultant” when you are in sales. In fact, in my opinion, you should do just the opposite. You should strive, every day, to be the Unpaid Consultant. Here’s my rationale.
Customers form their strongest relationships with people who give the most value. In today’s selling environment, what you sell -- be it a product or service -- is, in itself, the least valuable thing that you offer. In fact, it is probably viewed by most buyers as a commodity. Whether you are a car salesman, a financial advisor, a copier rep, a lawyer, or a plumber, customers can get what you sell from dozens of other people who offer the same thing. In a me-too world, good advice -- ideas that help customers to make better decisions -- trumps, by a wide margin, the value of your “wares”.

Which brings me back to sales people. The highest compliment that a customer can ever pay you is to confer upon you the title of “Unpaid Consultant”. To want your opinion when they are not buying. To value your knowledge enough to want to take advantage of your expertise.
Examples: If you sell automobiles, to get your opinion on which of a competitor’s two models is a better choice for a child going to college. If you sell newspaper advertising, whether you would recommend radio or cable television as a better investment for reaching a target audience. If you sell printing, your thoughts on whether a new ink is appropriate for a packaging project that doesn’t actually involve you.

The point is this: people don’t ask for input from those whose opinion they do not value. When a customer asks for your advice under these circumstances, the message is loud and clear: they view you as an expert. Give the request your very best effort, every time. I assure you, you will be rewarded many times over.

Among my vendor relationships, there is a small group of vendors whose advice I place a high value on. These are also the people with whom I do eighty percent of my business. One of these is my CPA.

I have utilized this same professional for my business for over ten years. She is in private practice and lives five hundred miles from my office. Yes, I could find another CPA who is local to help my business -- in fact, I could line them around the block seven or eight times. I could also save money by doing so -- her fees are higher than most of those in her profession.

So why do I swear loyalty to her? It certainly isn’t because she provides bookkeeping services and prepares financial reports. That’s a commodity -- any CPA firm provides that.
No, what I value is her mind -- her ability to analyze my business and make recommendations that help me to manage it. To me, this is irreplaceable. Yes, much of her time with me is billed, but many times her advice is unbilled, as well. She is a very good sales person (she cold-called me to get my business) and has excellent interpersonal skills. She is a good listener, and even puts up with my annual whining during tax season. In other words, she understands the value of being the Unpaid Consultant. If I changed my CPA relationship, I would not have her to work with anymore -- and that idea distresses me greatly, as you will see.

A couple of years ago, her business had grown to the point that she sent all of her clients, including me, a form letter informing us that she was going to have to trim her client list to lessen her workload. In other words, some of us were going to have to go.

My reaction to this announcement? Sheer panic. I called her immediately. I begged to make the cut! I pleaded. I stammered. I reminded her that I have a simple business and am easy to work with and always pay on time and … and…and…you get the idea.

She laughed and assured me that I had nothing to worry about; her focus was on reducing her workload with more complex businesses that were taking a lot of her time. Relieved, I hung up the phone.

Then I thought -- WOW. I am the customer, and here I am begging this vendor: please, please - continue to take my money!

Does this describe the relationship that you have with your customers? How valuable are you to them? Do they depend on you for giving them direction, or are you an order-taking commodity?

In my business, every time that a sales person asks me, “what would you like to do?” I want to say “why are you asking me? I thought that you were the expert.” I never say that, of course, but it is what I am thinking.
Don’t ask me for my opinion; I’m paying you for yours. Be confident and assertive. Tell me what you think I should do. In other words, be the Unpaid Consultant.

Author Bio

Landy Chase, author of Competitive Selling: Out-Plan, Out-Think, and Out-Sell to Win Every Time, founded his own sales training and consulting firm in 1993 and has clients in more than sixty industries on five different continents. He has delivered more than two thousand paid presentations as a professional speaker and holds the Certified Speaking Professional (CPS) designation from the National Speakers Association, the highest earned level of excellence in the industry. He lives in Charlotte, North Carolina.

This book is actually a good one for your Business Library and I will post a link so you can get it very inexpensively!

Here it is enjoy the savings........


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Closer Look At Mommy Bags - Part 5

If you have any questions about the Mommy Bags Program, please contact me at jlynn.mommybags@gmail.com and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can.

If you know anyone, especially a woman who owns/operates a business, please share the Mommy Bags  opportunity with them as this will benefit everyone in the long run. We, as small business owners need to support each other in our goals to become successful and independent. If I can be of further assistance please contact me.

My specialty is small business marketing and I would enjoy getting to know each one of you and learning more about each of your businesses. I offer a variety of services and would appreciate the opportunity to work with anyone needing help with their business marketing. If you have any marketing questions, concerns, or advice feel free to contact me at the above email address.

I look forward to hearing from you really soon,

Julie Lynn

Lynn Marketing Concepts

Small Business Marketing On a Budget

Founder of the Mommy Bags Program


I have just started a blog for Mommy Bags so please come and check it out and pass it on to your business associates, friends, and family!

 for participants in the monthly marketing campaign

 for the groups actually receiving the bags

Part 4- A Closer Look into Mommy Bags

Okay, I have already let the “cat out of the bag” so I will go on and tell you a little more about the future plans of Mommy Bags. We are planning a special Holiday Edition of Mommy Bags for the month of November consisting of 500 Bags. (Consultants from Direct Sales companies who are already participating in the September Campaign will be given “first choice” to participate in the special edition of Mommy Bags  before we would take a new Consultant from that same Direct Sales Company) Here are a few facts to think about for now:

• You will be able to reach a very targeted market of Holiday Shoppers (it is usually the women who end up doing most of the shopping, at least it is that way in my family) before the retail stores even start their Holiday Sales and I am offering this service for a very reasonable/competitive rate!

• We already have an order of 150 of these special bags for the Kentucky Paralegal’s Association for their Annual Conference. There will be people from all over Kentucky attending this event for Paralegals.

• This would be the ONLY month that I would allow 2 Consultants from the same Direct Sales Company participate together; meaning you would both have the understand that you split the cost and you each contribute 250 fillers to the campaign. (It is YOUR responsibility to find another consultant within your company willing to do this.)

• Think about this, we will hand out 500 Holiday Edition Mommy Bags and if each person shares the information that is inside of the bags with only 1 other person (which I am sure it would be more than just 1), you have just reached 1000 people or potential customers for the Holiday Shopping Season. I am sure the potential is greater than 1000 people; realistically it would end up being closer to the 5000 people figure.

• There will be more information available about our Holiday Edition Mommy Bags as the holidays get closer but I just wanted to give everyone a little teaser! (Look for more information around late August or early September)

If you would like to receive the information on our Holiday Edition Mommy Bags, send me an email and ask to be placed on the November Holiday Edition Mommy Bags list.

Contact me at jlynn.mommybags@gmail.com with questions,

Closer Look into Mommy Bags Part 3

Benefits of Participating in the Mommy Bags Program:

1. Your business is put in front of a very targeted and receptive audience of women who love to support other women.

2. You will receive a list of every group that received Mommy Bags for the month that you participated. This is a great way to follow up with a thank you card or letter to keep your business fresh in their minds. I will provide an address for the Mommy Group or Women’s Group where the Mommy Bags were delivered. A perfect way to build relationships with potential customers is to send a personalized letter or note card to the group to set your business apart from everyone else!

3. You don’t have to compete with your fellow business consultants as we only allow 1 from each direct sales company to participate in any given month.

4. This is a ground floor opportunity, July was the first month for Mommy Bags, and you never know where this may lead. The opportunities are limitless at this time, as we intend on exploring every avenue available with these Mommy Groups and Women’s Groups. (My hope is that we will eventually have live events that we “put on” for these ladies. Wouldn’t you like to have the opportunity to be a part of something like that?)

5. The Holidays are just around the corner so to speak! We are building a great foundation with these groups in advance to invite them to a great event once we get closer to the holiday season. And we will only be including those women who choose to participate in the Mommy Bag Program as participants!

6. I will post your name, business name, website with a link, and a blog address (if you have one) to all 3 of my blogsites FREE as a special Thank You for participating. I only change or take your link off my blogs if a different Consultant from the same company

Contact me at jlynn.mommybags@gmail.com if you ever have any questions,

Closer Look into Mommy Bags- Part 2

When are Mommy Bags distributed? Mommy Bags are distributed the last part of each month. This gives me plenty of time to get all the participants’ fillers and payments in on time, and still gives me plenty of time to put the bags together. I accept “orders” for the Mommy Bags via email all month long from Mommy Groups and other Women’s Groups and this also allows me time to plan my delivery route in the most convenient and economical way. All Mommy Bags are provided to Mommy Groups and Women’s Groups FREE of charge!

When are fillers and payments due from Mommy Bag Participants? All payments ($30 per month) and fillers are due to me by the 1st of the month that you will be participating. There can be no exceptions to this rule since I am on a very tight schedule the rest of the month with preparing the bags and taking orders. And I only accept 1 person from each direct sales company, as this is the only fair way to do business, so be sure to get your participation requests in to me as early as possible. ( For example: I would not accept fillers from 2 representatives from Mary Kay for the same month , but I will accept 1 representative of Arbonne, 1 from Mary Kay and 1 from BeautiControl as these are all 3 different companies!) Payments from Direct Sales Consultants/Businesses are due within 7 days of the confirmation of your participation. I will send you an invoice and it is due within 7 days or I will have to take the next Rep in line wanting to participate. (This is because I have multiple reps from each company wanting to participate, and I place them on a waiting list, as I give preference to the rep who has already participated the month before) As for independent/individually owned businesses, I will accept more than 1 person from the same type of company, this is called fair competition! (For example: I will accept fillers from 3 different Beauty Salons, Weight Loss Companies, and/or Clothing Stores, etc.)

Any Questions?  Contact me at jlynn.mommybags@gmail.com

Mommy Bags: A Closer Look Part 1

What is a Mommy Bag? A Mommy Bag is a packet of advertising pieces, coordinated by Lynn Marketing Concepts, in order to broaden the advertising market of small businesses here in Lexington, Kentucky. We want to encourage all small businesses to participate in this unique opportunity, we are especially interested in reaching those small businesses owned and operated by women. There is a $30 fee to participate each month in the Mommy Bag advertising package and this includes the distribution of your information in 200 bags, and the only other fees involved are in what you decide to create or include as your advertising piece for the Mommy Bags! Generally, Mommy Bags are not shipped out, but passed out at events, craft fairs, expos, doctor’s offices, markets, hair salons, and many more places.

Why is there a $30 Fee to Participate? The $30 fee to participate each month (includes 200 bags per month) helps cover the cost of the bags, decorations for the bags, delivery costs for taking the bags to different locations, advertising costs incurred to get the word out about Mommy Bags, and a very small fee for my time to assemble all the bags! (When you think about it, $30 a month is really a very small price to pay for the type of targeted marketing that the Mommy Bags offer!)

What type of fillers to contribute to Mommy Bags?

• Coupons

• Flyers

• Pens / Pencils

• Samples

• Web Cards

• Key Chains

• Magnets

• Discount Cards

• Book Marks

• Mini Craft Kits

• Soap Shavings

• Scent Cards

• Business Cards

If you have any questions or comments please contact me via email at


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mommy Bags

We are all getting excited here at Lynn Marketing Concepts, our Mommy Bags should be finished by the end of this weekend and will be distributed around the end of next week.

If you are interested in Checking Out the Mommy Bags Program, then visit the participants' blog at:



Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One More Resource Recommendation for today!

I have one more very useful reading recommendation for all you small business owners out there.....

This is one that is important to any business really, it's topic is about the MOST Important Marketing Method around:  Word Of Mouth Marketing   This IS what we all strive for and want most for our business, isn't it?

The book is:  Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking,  Revised Edition  by Andy Sernovitz

Brief Description:
Who Is Talking About You?

Foreword by Seth Godin and Afterword by Guy Kawasaki.

Master the art of word of mouth marketing with this practical hands-on guide.

With straightforward advice and humor, marketing expert Andy Sernovitz will show you how the world's most respected and profitable companies get their best customers for free through the power of word of mouth.

Learn the five essential steps that make word of mouth work and everything you need to get started using them. Understand the real purpose of blogs, communities, viral email, evangelists, and buzz--when to use them and how simple it is to make them work.

Learn what sparks the irrepressible enthusiasm of Apple and TiVo fans. Understand why everyone is talking about a certain restaurant, car, band, or dry cleaner--and why other businesses and products are ignored. Discover why some products become huge successes without a penny of promotion--and why some multi-million-dollar advertising campaigns fail to get noticed.

Open your eyes to a new way of doing business--that honest marketing makes more money, because customers who trust you will talk about you. Learn how to be the remarkable company that people want to share with their friends. (edited by author)

Here is a handy link that will take you directly to the book at Amazon:
Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking, Revised Edition

Happy Marketing,

Great Book for Small Business Do-it-yourself Marketing!

If you are the type of person who prefers to "do-it-yourself", then this is the book for you!

Duct Tape Marketing by John Jantsch
Here is a brief description of the book:

Duct Tape Marketing is the small business marketing road map - A collection of proven tools and tactics woven together in a step-by-step marketing system that shows small business owners exactly what to do to market and grow their businesses.
This guide combines insights gained from over twenty years of successfully working, in the field, with real-life small businesses.
There are no theoretical complexities presented in Duct Tape Marketing - just simple, effective and affordable marketing that sticks.
CAREFUL! Duct tape is a serious tool... it sticks where you put it. So are the ideas in this book. If you're ready to make a commitment and are willing to make something happen, John's book is a great place to start. --Seth Godin, author of Purple Cow (even reccommended by Seth Godin)
For all those who wonder why John JantschBurlingham
Raving review by all who have read the book, well those who are actually in the marketing field themselves.....I think it is a fantastic addition to any small business owner who likes to do their own marketing, if you would like for someone else to handle that for you, I am available and taking new clients for a limited time only!
Once my "dance card" is full, you will have to wait for an opening,  do keep a waiting list most of the time and that is always an option if you don't get "in" before I close the doors for the season!
Here is a handy link that will take you directly to the book and at Amazon's amazingly low price:
Duct Tape Marketing: The World's Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide

Happy Reading,

Monday, July 5, 2010

Great Way to Save Money for your Business

Fellow Business Owners,

If you regularly shop for business supplies (even personal supplies, gifts, general shopping too!) then you must

sign up for a FREE account with Ebates .  This website is basically a rebate website where you can place your

with many different merchants , each offering you a certain percentage in rebates on your total purchase.  Imagine

how great it would be to actually receive a rebate on all your spending for the month!  Might add up quite

quickly!   And if you are interested in signing up, the Account is always free (absolutely no hidden costs and most

offer free shipping,so you don't have to pay for shipping which can save you even more money on gas!) and you

will receive a special $5.00 sign up bonus when you use the link below:

FREE Ebates Account with $5.00 Sign up BONUS

Enjoy the savings/earnings,


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Great Freebie Marketing Website

Please check out http://www.amigram.com/
Free online announcements for engagements, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, births, pets, graduations, business or any occasion.  Perfect for those business announcements you need to get out to the online world!

They have a whole section on this website dedicated to business:

Business Announcements

Have a new business? A new website? Want to promote your business? Or

did you just get promoted? Create a free business announcement or promotion announcement

Again the website to visit is www.amigram.com


Mommy Bags

Our newest program here at Lynn Marketing Concepts is Mommy Bags!  We are so excited

about this and if you want to find out more about this great marketing concept , you can visit the blogsites listed


for the business participants of the program

for our wonderful Mommy Groups/Women's Groups who actually receive these treasures

If you would like to participate in our August Campaign, send me a message and I will get the information to you in an email.

If you are a mommy group or women's group who would be interested in receiving some of these wonderful bags, contact me via email at jlynn.mommybags@gmail.com and we will put you on our list!


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Master Mind Groups

I am starting a Master Mind Group in January of 2011 for women who own and operate a small business!

This is going to be for serious business minded people who really want to grow their business and can committ to

a very intense schedule of meetings on specific topics tailored to help you grow your business within 1 year!

The basics:  We will meet 2 times per month and have 2 additional Networking events during the year.  I am still

working out all of the details and you can check back for updates or you can email me to be on my email list that

will go out to those who sign up for updates.

Email me at lynnmarketingconcepts@gmail.com and put Mastermind Group Updates in the subject line and I will

put you on a special list to receive updates on this from time to time.....I will not be emailing you weekly or give

out your email address to anyone.  This will strictly be for updates on the Mastermind Group and you can ask to

be taken off at anytime! 

Hope to hear from you soon,

Oh forgot to add that this group will be limited to 10 women and there will be an application process and fees involved.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Service Possiblities/Offerings

Here’s a list of the possibilities:

Consulting  with email marketing and survey business plans

New, customer-focused marketing programs

New lead nurture programs

Custom email designs to reflect their brands

Content/copy development

Set-up of  account (in cases you want to

“co-manage” your email marketing campaigns)

 Campaign review and analysis

 Research for online survey planning and execution
I use a service called :Constant Contact
You even get a Free Trial of 60 days , but if you want me to manage
your email campaigns for you,  please contact me before you sign
up because I will have to add you to my account!

Email Marketing is more cost effective than Direct Mail Campaigns

Do what you do, better:

Electronic channels like email marketing and online surveys enable

 you to deliver the same direct response marketing you’ve always

 done, but without the cost of printing and postage. Plus, our service

 is fast and easy, compared to more traditional channels, so you can

 be more productive - and even take on new clients without adding


Contact me for more details on the exact services that I offer:


Benefits You Provide Using Email Marketing

Here are just a few of the customer benefits you can deliver with email marketing:

 More cost-effective programs to fit tighter budgets

 Greater flexibility/faster program launches

 Stronger customer relationships

 Just-in-time promotions to build traffic/revenue

For help in setting up or starting your email marketing campaign contact me at:  LynnMarketingConcepts@gmail.com


 Increased traffic to client websites

 New business insights from online survey results

Email Marketing Strategies and Why They Work

Do more with the customers you already have! 

Email marketing gives you an opportunity to expand the services you deliver to your

clients - and to save them money on some of the services you may already provide.

The key lies in doing more with their customers and their prospect house lists.

Here’s why.  These two audiences are typically more responsive:  They buy more,

they buy more often, and most important - they refer new customers.   Second,

when you combine higher response rates with lower marketing costs, you’ve

got a real win-win - for both you AND your clients.
For more help contact me at LynnMarketingConcepts@gmail.com

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I have 5 Free Invitations to Lookville

Lookville??  What is it, you ask?

It is a social fashion network made up of people from all around the world answering each other's fashion related questions.

Think of it as a giant fitting room, with people to give you thumbs up or down on your looks. Our goal is to create a community where people can come and have their fashion related questions answered and a channel to share fashion tips and advice.

We are still in private beta. You will need an invitation to join, come in for a sneak peek. And I received an invitation and joined and they gave me 5 free invites to hand out to my clients.

So if you are interested in getting even more exposure for your website or blog, email me and the first 5 people to get in touch with me and ask for an invite, will receive one for FREE!

Oh, and the site is completely FREE as well at this time so get in while it's free.  Free advertising is never a bad thing!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

What is the Real Value of a Customer?

It has been said that one customer is worth far more than $10,000 worth of advertising. That may or may not be exactly true depending upon what your business is but the true value of the customer is their unknown present and future spending power.

One of the main keys to getting customers to spend more of their dollars with you is to provide great customer service. If you take good care of them, they will open their wallets to you in future dollars. Good service leads to multiple sales.

Remember this. Whoever provides the great service that the client can’t get from others puts themselves in line for greater sales…greater wealth…greater satisfaction… and great referrals!

Wishing you massive profits and success,
P.S. You can also find an incredibly effective, yet inexpensive marketing tool that will make your phone ring off the hook with new customers on autopilot at:
Mobile Business Card Holders

For Now, a Low-Cost Marketing Resource

Here is an excellent source for you to get some low cost marketing supplies for your company until you can

afford to pay top dollar for a Marketing Consultant to design something for you.

This site even offers free business cards, all you pay is shipping and handling!

Try them out!

Vista Print

Free Marketing Resources

I will be posting a FREE Marketing resource every Friday, so be looking for that tomorrow on here!

See you then,

Just to name a few of the tasks that a VA can handle

Here is just a very short list of tasks that a Virtual Assistant might handle for you:

Answer phones
Business correspondence
Article Submission
Design marketing materials
Document formatting and clean up
Proofreading and editing
Direct mail
Voice and e-mail monitoring
Select and ship gifts
Travel arrangements
There is so much more that a VA can offer, and I will go into greater detail on each one of these subjects in future posts, so keep checking back!

If you ever have any questions, please email me at :

Cost Comparison of using A VA!

Full-time Employee vs a Virtual Assistant Cost Comparison

Want to SAVE over $60,000 in business expenses this year?
If you answered yes, read on ...

A cost comparison for a full-time employee
versus a Virtual Assistant


Hourly Rate of Pay
Fringe Benefits @ 35%

(Health/Dental/Life Insurance, Retirement Plans)
Overhead Rate @ 50%

(Office Space, Equipment & Office Supply expense, UI Insurance, Worker's
Compensation, Overtime Pay, Administration Costs)
Total Effective Rate of Pay
**Hours Per Year
2,080 hrs.
480 hrs.
TOTAL Annual Labour Cost

Difference = $60,160.00 per year

By hiring a Virtual Assistant...

You SAVE over $60,000.00 per year!

Although the Virtual Assistant's hourly rate
is more than the employee's rate in the first place, you save the cost of benefits
and overhead that would have to be applied to the new employee's wage. And,
because Virtual Assistant's are usually more experienced, more efficient, and
better connected than the employee, you'll need to devote far less time to the
project to get the same results, only 480 hours a year versus 2,080 for the
new employee.

with a Virtual Assistant, you only pay for the time on task by the minute! No
more paying for socializing, hour long lunches or frequent trips to the washroom.

Your employee's 8 hour day can be
crunched into 3-4 hours with a Virtual Assistant.

Simply put, you should contract with a Virtual
Assistant because it's more cost-effective and Virtual Assistants go above and
beyond the normal assistant's duties to impact your own productivity. No task
is too big or small for a Virtual Assistant to handle. Even if you only have
1 hour of work a month for a Virtual Assistant to do, a VA can (and will) do


*Souce: Virtual
Assistant Networking Association
Cost Comparison

The Largest Global Network Online for Successful and Aspiring Virtual Assistants

The Definition of a Virtual Assistant

A Virtual Assistant (VA) is a highly-trained independent entrepreneur who provides a

myriad of business support services virtually via phone, fax and Internet based

technology to support and meet the growing needs of businesses worldwide.

Partnering with a VA reduces stress, protects cash flow, eliminates administrative

hassles, and enables business people to find the success they originally set out to


A VA is your right hand person helping you to succeed in your business. The irony is

you may never meet your VA as odds are they live nowhere near you!